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在Nakoula Basseley Nakoula家前廊上宗教塑像前摆放着“待售”的牌子。这就是近日来引发无数争议和流血冲突的美国国产电影“无辜的穆斯林”。电影引发了美国加利福尼亚州喜瑞都整个一条大街上的暴力抗议活动。据悉,该电影制片人在这个仅仅有14分钟的电影预告片播出以后,因不断收到死亡威胁的恐吓而被迫东躲西藏。 Anti-Muslim Film  A religious statuette is displayed with a “For Sale” sign on the front porch of the home of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man who made the film “Innocence of Muslims” that has sparked violent protests, on a street in Cerritos, Calif., Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. The filmmaker has received death […]