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上图为巴黎当地时间10月10日佩戴反恐头套的法国警察。警方在街道附近发现了制造炸弹的材料,并且接连捣毁了一个涉嫌上周发生在当地的恐怖事件的恐怖组织停车场。检察官弗朗索瓦·莫林斯说,上周三,办案民警在附近的托尔西镇发现了许多用于制作恐怖爆炸武器的钾、硫磺、硝石两件武器。 France Terror Suspects Hooded elite police officers guard a parking lot in Torcy, east of Paris, Wednesday, Oct.10, 2012 where police found bomb-making material after police broke up a suspected terrorist cell last week. Prosecutor Francois Molins said Wednesday police investigators recovered items including potassium, sulfur, saltpeter and a pressure cooker as well as […]