
上图为10月12日,在耶路撒冷Mahane Yehuda市场内,一名正统派犹太教徒吹小号宣布安息日开始,这是犹太教的圣经规定的法定假日。虽然大多数以色列人保持世俗身份,但是以色列开国元勋授予了犹太教的正式管理该国日常事务的权利,如结婚,离婚,墓葬等。其中极端正统派常年在以色列政坛大权在握,事实上他们仅占全国人口的10%左右。

Mideast Israel Secular Revival

An Ultra-orthodox Jewish man blows a trumpet to announce the starting of the Sabbath, Judaism’s biblically-mandated day of rest, at the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem, this Oct. 12, 2012 photo. Though most Israelis are secular, Israels founding fathers gave Judaism a formal place in the countrys affairs and Ultra-Orthodox rabbis strictly govern Jewish practices such as weddings, divorces, and burials. The Ultra-Orthodox are also perennial kingmakers in Israeli coalition politics, though they make up only ten percent of the countrys population.
