
上图为日本当地时间9月26日下午,前任首相安倍晋三(左),在民选获胜成为日本自民党新人领袖后牵着日本前政调会长石破茂(右)的手庆祝的场面。安倍晋三,被称为日本鹰派民族主义者,他在 周三选举的决胜局中以108-89的悬殊选票获胜,正式成为成为日本主要反对党-自由民主党的新任总裁。

Shinzo Abe, Shigeru Ishiba

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, joins hands with a contender Shigeru Ishiba after winning the party leadership election of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. Abe, known as a hawk and nationalist, defeated ex-defense chief Ishiba in a run-off election Wednesday by a vote of 108-89 to become president of the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)
